Sayuri Matsumura announced her graduation form the group

Another 1st generation member of Nogizaka46 announced her graduation

Sayuri Matsumura, a 1st gen member of Nogizaka46, announced her graduation from the group at the Nico Nico Live broadcast “I like live idols – Sayuringo Gundan Emergency Special Program” (『「生のアイドルが好き」さゆりんご軍団緊急特番』) (aired on April 15).

The guest was Ranze Terada, a member of the “Sayuringo Gundan” led by Matsumura, and the program was warm and fun as usual. Discussing the appearances of “Sayuringo Gundan” at live shows, they made a live phones call with already graduated Karin Ito, Kotoko Sasaki and Kana Nakata, another “Namadoru” MC before Mayu Tamura took charge. And then they announced that it was decided “Sayuringo Gundan” will have solo live show around June.

After about an hour of the program, Tamura turned to Matsumura and said “Ringo-san has something to tell you.” Matsumura said with a meek look: “It pains me to make this announcement after the cheerful announcement I just made,” and then said “Yes,” catching her breath, “I, Sayuri Matsumura, have decided to graduate from Nogizaka46 after the activities of the 27th single.

Sayuri Matsumura, have decided to graduate from Nogizaka46 after the activities of the 27th single

“I think the announcement of senbatsu members for the 27th single will be made this Sunday, and I decided to graduate from Nogizaka46 when this single will be released. I’m sorry, I really am…” By the time she finished, she was in tears.

“I don’t know what to tell you, but the reason why I’m telling you this is because this is the first time that we, who were in the early days and didn’t know anything at all, were given a regular TV program, and it’s been an important program for us for the past eight years, so I wanted to announce it here. I wanted to announce it here, and more than anything, I wanted people to see me making this announcement, and I wanted to connect with everyone through this comment, so I made the announcement here. In fact, I started thinking about graduation quite a while ago, when more and more members were graduating. There was a girl I wanted to see off, so I thought it would be nice to see her graduate and then graduate myself. But it’s not like I’m graduating anytime soon, so I hope I can spend the rest of my time having fun as usual and making lots of memories!” She ended with a “Sayuringo smile”.

“Inside myself I decided that I will graduate. I thought I’d lose if I wavered, so I thought I’d definitely do it if I decided, but now that I’ve announced it, I’m a little sad… I’ve been thinking about the fans who came to see me since I decided to graduate, and I thought they’d be sad if I said this. …I’m sad, but I’m sorry…,” she said, tears welling up in her eyes again.

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